Expert Tips for Successful Bare Root Tree Planting

Expert Tips for Successful Bare Root Tree Planting

Planting a bare-root tree isn't rocket science. But, if you make just one mistake, you can break new branches that do not want to grow again. And if a tree isn't healthy at planting time, it may never recover. So, you need to learn how to plant bare-root trees properly.

If you're worried about your ability to plant a bare-root tree correctly, don't worry. We've got some expert tips for successful bare root tree planting. From planting the right type of tree to preparing the soil and making sure the roots are not damaged, our guide covers everything you need to know for success.

If you want to have beautiful trees in your yard, you need to put in the work. Don't burn out before planting season arrives. This guide can help you succeed in adding growth to your property while also bringing joy to your environment. Fret not and enjoy the process of planting bare-root trees.

How To Plant Bare Root Trees
"How To Plant Bare Root Trees" ~ bbaz


When it comes to planting trees in your garden, bare root trees tend to be a more economical and practical option. Planting bare root trees is a common practice for many homeowners because they are sold without soil, making them easier to transport and plant. However, the success of their growth relies heavily on the way you plant them. In this blog article, we will explore some expert tips for successful bare root tree planting.

Preparation: Choosing the Right Bare Root Tree

Before getting started with the planting process, it is important to ensure you have chosen the right bare root tree for your garden. Select a species that is best suited for the climate, soil type, and the space available for growth. A certified nursery or a reputable grower should be able to advise you on the ideal tree for your garden.

Time to Plant

The ideal time to plant bare root trees is usually between late October and early spring when the tree is in a dormant state. This is a time when the soil is not too dry or too wet and allows for the tree to easily establish roots before the summer heat arrives.

Location: Find the Right Spot

Choose a location for your tree where it can get enough sunlight, has adequate drainage, and is shielded from harsh winds. Trees that prefer a specific type of soil should be planted in areas where that soil is abundant.

Soil Preparation: Get the Roots Ready

Carefully remove any dirt or debris from the roots of the tree. Cutting off any broken or damaged roots can help to prevent disease or pest problems later on. Before planting, soak the roots in a bucket of water for a few hours to allow them to absorb moisture.

Planting Process: Time to Dig

Dig a hole that is at least twice as wide as the root system of the tree and deep enough so that the tree will sit level with the ground. Create a cone-shaped ridge at the bottom of the hole to place the tree’s roots on.

Backfill the Hole

Once you have positioned the bare root tree, gently backfill the hole with soil, firmly packing it around the base of the tree. Be sure not to cover the tree’s trunk with soil.

Watering: Keep the Soil Moist

After planting, it is important to keep the soil moist by watering the tree regularly until it is firmly established. During the first few weeks after planting, the tree should receive an inch of water each week.

Mulching: Protect the Roots

Placing mulch around the base of the tree helps to retain moisture and regulate temperature, which protects the roots from extreme weather conditions. Adding a 2 to 4-inch layer of organic material, such as leaves or bark, around the base of the tree can also aid in weed control.

A Final Check-up

After planting, check the tree regularly to ensure that it is healthy and thriving. Monitor its growth and be on the lookout for any signs of pest or disease problems. Prompt action when dealing with these issues can help save your newly planted tree.


Bare root tree planting can be a rewarding experience that provides long-lasting beauty and benefits to your garden. By following these expert tips and techniques, you can help ensure that your tree grows and thrives for years to come. Remember to choose the right bare root tree for your garden, prepare the soil well, and give your tree the care and attention it needs to flourish. Happy planting!
Factors to Consider Bare Root Trees Potted Trees
Cost More affordable and often easier to find at garden centers Can be more expensive and harder to transport
Root Development Not always guaranteed, may need additional attention during planting to compensate Roots may be more developed and ready to take off post-planting
Transportation Easier to transport due to lack of soil or pot Harder to transport but less sensitive to shock from transportation
Timing Can only be planted during their dormant season, which is typically late fall to early spring Can be planted throughout the year if given proper care and attention
Sustainability Bare root trees generally use fewer resources and are kinder to the environment Potted trees require much more material and energy during production and transportation.


While both trees have their benefits and drawbacks, planting bare root trees stand out as a great choice for those who want to be more environmentally conscious, save cost, and prefer simpler transportation options. They also involve a more hands-on approach during planting and the initial nurturing stages, which could make for a more rewarding and fulfilling gardening experience.

Thank you for taking the time to learn about expert tips for successful bare root tree planting. As you venture out into your yard or garden to plant your trees, keep in mind the importance of preparing the soil, selecting the right tree species, and properly caring for your new trees.

By following the tips outlined in this article, you can ensure that your trees will thrive and provide beauty, shade, and oxygen for many years to come. Remember to do your research beforehand and select trees that are suited to your climate and soil conditions. Take care to plant your trees at the appropriate depth and give them plenty of space to grow.

We hope these tips have been helpful and that you will be able to successfully plant your bare root trees with confidence. Remember that planting trees is an investment in the future, and by taking the time to properly plant and care for them, you will be providing an invaluable gift for generations to come.

When it comes to successful bare root tree planting, there are a lot of factors to consider. Here are some expert tips to help guide you:

1. When is the best time to plant bare root trees?

  • Bare root trees should generally be planted in late fall to early spring when the tree is dormant.
  • Planting during these times ensures that the tree has enough time to establish roots before the hot summer months arrive.

2. How should I prepare the soil before planting?

  • The soil should be well-drained and free of weeds.
  • You can enrich the soil by adding organic matter such as compost.
  • It's also important to ensure that the soil pH is appropriate for the type of tree you're planting.

3. How deep should I plant the tree?

  • The hole should be deep enough to accommodate the roots but not so deep that the graft union (if applicable) is buried.
  • The top of the root ball should be level with the surrounding soil.

4. How much water does a newly planted bare root tree need?

  • Newly planted trees require regular watering, especially during the first growing season.
  • Water deeply and regularly, making sure the soil around the roots stays moist but not waterlogged.

5. Should I prune the tree after planting?

  • It's generally recommended to prune away any damaged or broken branches.
  • However, it's best to wait until the tree has begun to grow again before doing any major pruning.

By following these tips, you can help ensure successful bare root tree planting and give your tree the best chance for healthy growth and development.

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